A Filipino fan's reaction to Jaebum leaving 2PM WHAT THE FUCK? I dont really understand whats going on these days but it looks like 2pm ...

Sexychinese bring you the hottest and the most sexiest photo of Chinese Girls and Models.
A Filipino fan's reaction to Jaebum leaving 2PM WHAT THE FUCK? I dont really understand whats going on these days but it looks like 2pm ...
U Kiss is growing on me. I really like this song of theirs! Why is there no MV proper? :( Without you~~ Oh my, Eli is starting to grow on me...
I just felt like I need some Suju love right now! Shindong in Oh cheerleading costume! Suju at SHINee's Hello Baby! Hello Baby is awesom...
Handsome Choikang Changmin, Happy Birthday! I hope you and Yunho dont have cold war with JaeChunSu anymore. :( Cassiopeia loves you foreverr...
Mind-fucked, Exhausted to death by work/school, Disgusted by people who cant seem to be satisfied, phonefucked by friends, tried to argue wi...
Oh oh oh oh~~ here is one snsd wallie! :D I quite like making and using snsd wallies cause 1) they take nice photoshoots which makes it easi...
I was watching this yesterday! :D 2pm vs Super Junior Special dance battle! Its a night of surprises as Kyuhyun was part of Suju's dance...
Happy birthday my dear! I love your gorjess legs! Sooyoung Fighting! SNSD fighting!
Happy Birthday our favourite indestructable man! :D You are so hot hot hot~ Cassiopeia will always stand by you! Have a fun time in Nihon! I...
WOAH, THANKS FOR DISGRACING US SINGAPOREANS. Fans leave midway after listening to SHINee finish two songs! Performing for seasoned, famed co...
Happy Birthday, Super Junior's dearest Magnae! With your incredible wit and sarcasm and lovely voice, its impossible not to love you too...
Hellos people! Okay i read this article in the weekends and find it kind of interesting! So im just sharing it with you fellow kpoppers and ...
HQ fancam of SHINee's arrival in Singapore! They didnt wear masks like FTI/ walk super fast! Poor onew and his leg injury. :( Press Conf...