Fany fany, Happy birthday! Your lovely smiley eyes charms us to death. I think its cool that you are so hardworking when I watch DDTS, Facto...

Hello TVXQ!
GOOD NEWS FOR ALL CASSSSSIES! Oh Dong Bang Shin Ki. DBSK to release live DVD version of Mirotic concert DBSK to release live DVD version of ...

Can They Get Any Cuter?
CUTE BABIES! ^^ credits: minshinee@yt -shuyan
This place needs a bit more DBSK goodies with all the wonderful accomplishments they have achieved! Jaejoong is just really damn photo...
NEW: Handphone Wallpapers
We all need some motivation in life. And it happens that pretty pictures of SNSD motivates us! ^^ So, handphone wallpapers to make us work t...

Mass Depression
This is so super worrying. I thought GD was so extremely weird that it isnt any surprising that he has depression. And LeeTeuk, has been wri...
Goo Hara chosen as the ‘Prettiest from the Korean Girl-Groups’ Recently, a survey conducted from Japan’s biggest portal site, Yahoo Japan, o...
KPOP Featured in The Straits Times
Once again, KPOP makes its round to our daily national newspaper. This time gracing the front page. Unfortunately, due to their limited know...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I fucked up the html and template. Needs a while to get it sorted. SORRY SORRY~ So now the download section is very ver...
For the love of SHINee, the adorable babies! Introducing the members series, For when you talk and go SY says: OHhhhhh VERY CUTEEEEEE!! ...
Bài đăng phổ biến
Very cute asian girl: Baek Ye Jin - Christmas Set...Enjoy ^^~ Read more »
Với chủ đề white, Tuần Hoàng đã tạo nên những bức ảnh rất nghệ thuật cùng với người mẫu cũng là một hot girl Mi Vân, được thực hiện vào nhữn...
Việt Hương lan khỏa thân trong rừng Top 5 Người mẫu Thế giới 2009 khoe hình thể sexy, căng tràn sức thanh xuân trong bộ ảnh mới. Lan Hươn...
Hot girl Kelly Nguyễn tên thật là Nguyễn Thụy Tú Anh, sinh năm 1990 tại Đà Lạt, hiện sinh sống và làm việc tại TP.HCM. 6 năm trước, Kelly đã...
We now have our own Twitter which you can see on the right of our screen so you can tweet us, follow or just check in to stay up to date. D...