Dearest Kangin,Its been a long time since we last heard of you so I was overjoyed to read about the recent news in which you are going to participate in Super Junior's Ver C of Bonamana. :)I really missed you you know. Your loud laughter, the way you pat your belly when you laugh. Your evil remarks and the way you share your member's secrets. The way you threaten your members and your inredible strength. :) Along with Leeteuk, you seem to be the life of Super Junior, who takes a leading role for the members. You made things a little brighter being you.I don't know why, I dont miss Kibum and even Hankyung the way I miss you being in Super Junior. You brough up the atmosphere with your jokes and your comments. :)Sigh, I really don't care what mistakes you have done, to me that's not a big deal at all. I love you Kangin, I want you back together with them ASAP, in Super Junior. Like you cant live without Super Junior, I will never think of a Super Junior without you.Right now when ever I listen to past clips, I hear your voice and I will think, OH KANGIN, wish you were there. :(Kangin Fighting! Do your best to protect your nation in the next 2 years or so. We will wait for you. :)Love,ShuYan
The adorable bully.
Evil Kangin Laughter

Dear Hangeng,
Dont you miss them? Miss your ex-members? Miss being a part of Super Junior? I know you want to rest more and have your own life but, when i read news of you having your own concert dorming alliances with Show, Jay and other cpop artistes and producers, I can't help feeling fupset. :(
How appropiate right. Your solo during SS2 seemed to be for your members, for ELFs.
You said in your interview that you were still in contact with the rest of them, but is that so? You just left so suddenly, so abrupt. And you flew off. I mean, you became popular and awesome and widely liked because of Super Junior. You trained with them for 98525 years together, sweat together, went through tough times together. And you left them just like that. I guess its partially my fault for failing to notice the growing resentment in you and it has led to disappointment like that. But is Hanchul not real?I still like you Hangeng, I want you to be happy, but I dont want your absence to cause much fupsetness, and your actions just made me feel a little disappointed. The way you are so ready to fly when your contract is not even settled and stuff like that. Who is managing you seriously?Still, you will always be a part of Super Junior. Super Junior will always be 13 in my heart. Leeteuk, Heechul, Hanyung, Kangin, Kibum, Siwon, Sungmin, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Kyuhyun, Shindong, Ryeowook and Yesung.Love,ShuYan
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