Yay, im not late yet!
and Yay yay! its eunhyukie's birthday!!
I (doreen) really love love love eunhyuk alot alot alot!
eunhyuk rocks!
He is such a darling and never fails to make me laugh. He is totally a source of motivation, and the remedy to every single sad thing on earth.
eunhyuk rocks!
I love his soothing and sexy voice that i would repeat the the first 5 seconds of "marry u" 100000000 times just to hear the " Love, oh baby my girl" part that he did in the song, before letting the full song play. I love the part so much that it became the title for most of my posts in various forums.
eunhyuk rocks!
I love eunhae too. I believe in eunhae more than haesic.
See, eunhyuk is a good man. He seldom retaliate when donghae do some evil stuffs to him, and even share strawberry milk with donghae. That's why donghae loves him so much too. ^5 donghae!
eunhyuk rocks!
I love his single eyelids too. so cute!
eunhyuk rocks!
So eunhyuk, thanks for existing and making my life less boring and meaningless!
Stay cute, lovely, and smelly!
Continue to persevere and work hard in the music industry, and rmb bring smiles to people!
We will be here to support you forever!
And lastly stay healthy!
eunhyuk rocks!
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