The message these days is save energy, save the world. I love the world and everything but what is really dying out fast is really We Got Married. I really love WGM! But it seems that the ratings are dropping like crazy and MBC has decided to change the whole concept of WGM taking off even my last favourite couple, Kangji! Sigh. Anyhow, I thought of ways to save WGM!
1) Attempt to bring back some of the original couples!
Like Crown J and Seo In Young, ultimate favourite Hyun Joong and Hwangbo, Andy and Solbi! Alex and Sinae are kinda out of the picture cause Sinae is getting married and everything Cause what made the whole show so lovable for us was the chemistry between the couples! All of them were so cute together than they hardly have any antis! I mean, there are probably thousands of girlfans out there who love Andy and Hyunjoong, but none of them are ably to anti Solbi or Hwangbo after watching a few episodes cause these couples are so cute together! The couples right now, I don't know, have little/ no chemistry/ odd it seems. I mean, the whole Hyungdon and Taeyeon pairing was like seriously wrong! I think some people might be bored with watching the current couples, but I do miss them like crazy! Even Son Dambi and Marco were lovable!
2) Try not to attempt the real marriage thing.
You know, MBC are trying out the real couple thing like what icepluscoffee said? I secretly think it will fail. I think people will be more interested in seeing how 2 strangers pretend to be in a marriage. The awrkardness, the getting to know each other, the initial sweetness are all we audience really care about. I mean all those korean drams that are so wildly popular are about falling in love, not staying in love. And if they really do breakup/quarrel on the show that would be so awkward! Do artistes really want to put their relationship in the limelight? If the show is scripted then it would also suck as well. :S
3) Pair up onscreen couples/fresher couples together.

If people love love love these couples in drama shows, people might actually want to watch them play a real couple on WGM. Eg, Koo Hye Sun and Lee Min Ho, Song Seung Hun & Lee Yeon Hee, Gong Yoo and Yoo Eun Hye. And pairing up fresher couples like Jessica and G-dragon!?!? Haha I don't know about that but the rumours about SHINee JongHyun joining WGM is a little weird. He feels too young to play this getting married game. But I must admit pairing onscreen couples might have its setbacks, it might spoil the lovely illusion audiences have for the couple.
4) Create a whole new concept.
Invent new concepts instead of giving missions, create like difficulties for them to solve! Like give a couple a grown up kid like in To Be a Good Daddy. Have the kid create problems and see how these parents react! Or or have secret missions on various weeks like the "Kiss Marco by Midnight" for Son Dambi. :) And maybe come up with missions like "Cook a terrible tasting dinner and see how Hubby will react.", "Pretend to keep talking on a phone with a mysterious woman to see how Wife will react."
I dont want WGM to die cause I totally love the show! If you love WGM too check out our WGM icons set in the icons page! This entry is just a random discussion thing! :)
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