Gee Gee Gee Gee Gee! Okay I'm going crazy. You will know why on Saturday Spazz Night, haha, do join in!
Anyway, firstly, incase you've forgotten about him, kibum wants to say Hi to super-kpop readers!
MIA boy, quick! come back!
And oh, I've just read LeeTeuk's Cyworld entry...arhh..wonder whats wrong with him.
We love you just like how you love us!
We've been blog stalking for the past week and realise quite a number of people are using our picture without crediting.We seriously don't mind you people using our graphics here, infact we are happy to see all over and everywhere, but credit! especially things like icons, emoticons, banners...etc.
But its not all bad cause i see people uploading the pics to their own server now instead hotlinking, we are really thankful for that! kam sa hae yo!
Oh yah, and if you still don't know, all the artworks - icons, emoticons, wallpapers, banners hp wallies, hp ringtones blah are all made by us, shuyan & doreen. Its not like we stole them from somewhere else. Do take note of that and give us the credit! :) :) :)
By the way, its really good to be receiving so much love from you people. We love to make friends with people who are into kpop and loves kpop as much as we do. We've made awesome friends here like icepluscoffe, loveyesung, and many more. While so, there have been increasing number of people wanting to be linked. We would love to exchange links ,but if u want us to link please LINK US FIRST,or at least have intention to link us please! Thank you so much!
I am not feeling too happy with my siwonnie these few days. I know he is pretty westernised and all, so its not really rare to see him really close with girls and everything. And i've slowly gotten over it. But now, im really jealous with the whole sihae thing! Its getting out of hand!
They seriously look like they are in love!
NOOOOOOO! Hey donghae, what about shuyan? Hey siwon, WHAT ABOUT ME!? You should be saying sorry sorry to me!
You are gonna have much misfortune if you continue having affairs behind my back.
Like this :
Its so hilarious that shindong is clapping instead of helping him up.bahahah siwonnie, you deserves this! come on, stay loyal!
Arh nevermind about siwon anyway, i found myself a new love.
yay, and i found a photo of non-smiling Onew!
What an accomplishment since this boy just cant stop smiling. Such a darling though!
I'm like falling for SHINee real quickly nowadays..
Look how adorable jonghyun is!
^^ hehehe. Support their new mini album ROMEO!
Shuyan showed me this recent photo of seohyun a few days back.
Our dear maknae is really becoming prettier and prettier day by day!
oh geez! i really love her hair!
Thats not her mom btw, some random woman and her son at the beauty parlor.
Love snsd! Everyone should go visit Soshified, the biggest international fanclub for snsd. They've recently changed their layout and its really awesome and fun! We even had fun toggling around with the navigation icons. HAHAHA. But the best thing is, you can find everything you need to know about so nyuh shi dae there. Everyone should be a SONE! I can't explain how motivating SNSD is, you need to experience it yourself! And I'm really proud to be a SONE, as much as how i am as an E.L.F.
Oh anyway, if you are going around telling people that you are a cassie, please do reconsider. Cause if you look up Urban Dictionary,
Cassiopeia means,
1) A constellation with 5 stars in it in the Northern Hemisphere
2) The name of the fan club of DBSK, a popular Korean boy band. It's ridiculously notorious for acting psychotically negative towards anti-fans. Those girls are literally an army and will do whatever it takes to make sure their boys are not bashed or any negative shit like that.
There's this guy named 60row who said on his myspace that DBSK made shitty music, so cassiopeia tracked him down and beat the shit out of him
Ridiculous! HAHAHA! You might wanna call youself BIGEAST or something else!
But im not stopping you if you still like to call yourself cassiopeia!
I've been wondering if the whole Intimate Note of SJ is scripted or not. I mean, its really weird! I don't think kangin/sungmin & heechul/eunhyuk would really feel that awkward as they have described!
I mean, look!
and this is just hyung-dongsaeng love!
hmm..confused..what do you guys think?
I'm not sure what's wrong but i've been seeing really depressing PMs on MSN recently. Like how people is so down and sick of life, and all other shitty stuffs.
I've discussed with shuyan and we both agreed that the only reason why are they feeling this way is cause they do not love K-POP!
I'm serious!
I must tell you that K-POP really made my life alot easier.
Like sometime ago i was really down because of some stupid things people do to me. I'm like really crying when i was talking to shuyan about it online. Then she showed me some super junior emoticons and we went on to spazz like hell about super junior. And i became damn super high! It totally perked me up within minutes!
I mean, how can you not get happy when you see your favourite people doing hilarious actions like these ,
SS501 are dorks!
even the males are gorgeous!
Oh no kangin , you cant do this to her!!
i can't stop laughing at this!LMAO!so adorable,he probably stole her first kiss!
And i think not watching E.H.B is really a great crime to yourself.
HAHA,this never gets old! i can see this 10 times and laugh at it everytime!
Some nichkhun babby!
HE IS SO SUPER CUTE I SWEAR! just totally make your mood shoot up by 50%.
heartwarming pictures just makes you feel that the world is a really nice and warm place..
I don't know why some people still rejects k-pop and clinging on to whatever mando-pop or whatever.Language barriers and all other excuses are just stupid. Hello, even FLH was also stunned by how awesome DBSK is. I think people just refuse to admit and accept that k-pop is better than whatever they are supporting now! Thats so pathetic. Look at what kind of life they are living in.
While we all celebrate k-pop,
you all can go lead your own mundane life!
All the best!
same old thing, for goddess kwon yuri's sake, please do not hotlink all the gifs and pics here.thanks.
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